Fahiym has developed his titular model Soul’s Freedom from the English interpretations of a diasporic order of monks from Mali Africa. This order of monks remains intentionally nameless but have been present in the western and southern bio-regions of the United States since the 1800s. These teachings center on contemplations of freedom, attraction and indigenous tribal-making. These teachings are rarely shared directly outside of their immediate community but it’s influences are present most recently in the freedom schools of the 1970s.
In 2018 Fahiym was given permission/rights to continue to develop the curriculum and teachings for modern(internet based) English speaking audience. Fahiym’s Patreon page affords him the time to pioneer a respectful means of disseminating the teachings to a larger audience and the resource to establish a monastery/Freedom School. Which is a physical community center that services the local community and serves as a safe places to study the teachings.

Soul’s Freedom, a model for an individual’s freedom within the context of society. It’s comprised of three elements that make up the whole. This diagram illustrates an individual’s inherent freedom and how its three elements that overlap. Please refer to this diagram above
The first element is an individual’s Time:
The literal time each person spends awake and devoted to themselves/their own agenda. This may include time spent pursuing passions, creating art or crafting something for themselves, being with friends and family, and self-care. On the diagram, the number of hours of the day an individual spends on someone else’s agenda, moves them further from the center (freedom).
The second element is Agency:
When an individual already has all of their basic needs (sleep, food, water, shelter and security) met, they have space for other thoughts, ideas, and feelings: their agency. An individual’s ability to make decisions for themselves can be obscured and held back by the necessity of securing their basic needs.
The third element is Informed Consent:
The ability for an individual to make choices in order to pursue life, liberty and happiness, including, but not limited to: occupation/work, decisions regarding personal relationships, religious practice, and health. Because education is often absent in decision making processes that appear to be consensual, Informed Consent includes the ability to make these decisions based on transparent information and full knowledge of: 1.the positive and negative consequences in making a decision, 2. the option not to have to make a decision or 3. the option to decide on something other than what is initially offered.
This freedom is for you to have, This freedom is for others to have and this freedom is not to be taken away from each other. We are aware Soul’s Freedom is not always possible in all the places we come from. the school helps you achieve and optimal from of balance for yourself and for the tribe you maybe forming or retuning back to.

The quality of attention you expend on your own mind, body, attractions.
The level of attention you pay to group spirit, relatives of wilderness or other spiritual endeavor.

psychological technologies is a socially generated and standardized way of formatting, manipulating and enhancing information into identical processes and concepts among members of any given social grouping. prototypical instances are literacy, numeracy and graphic
psychological technologies must be readily internalized-able into human cognition, can be applied in a domain-general manner that extends and empower cognition in some reliable and extensive manner towards an affordance and also be highly generalizable among people futuristically.
psychological technologies make up the bulk of people’s cognitive biases but with practiced awareness of which formations of psychological technologies govern cognitive behavior people can develop counteractions processes and concepts for themselves to minimize harm and externalities.
practiced awareness of psychological technologies helps people with develop a sensitivity to instances in their lives where genuine human connection was traded off for the futuristic assumptions that are inherent with the use of psychological technologies. practiced awareness also teaches one to home themselves from the existential/moral dread (the extremist form of rationality and overcorrection of trying remove all cognitive biases all at once there by disrupting there function as heuristics that help one avoid motivational and moral confusion. practiced awareness of psychological technologies is a Pillar of the teachings because it critical in tribal making to find balance between the affordance of psychological technologies and desire for human connection and understanding of ourselves. the school helps you achieve this optimal from of balance for yourself and for the tribe you may be forming or retuning back to.
There are three main services we offer currently at the the monastery.
1: The Wisdom Wednesday gathering, This is a circling practice in which participants speak from their personal embodied experience about any subject that they find attractive at the moment. This gathering is open and free to the public of Greensboro NC and visitors from elsewhere with invitations.

2: The Sessions, these are 2 hour long teaching sessions that are primarily one-on-one. participants sit with one of the studying monks and learn a fractal of the teachings in the original indigenous oral traditions. After each session the participants are given a set of contemplations that must be completed within the week or two week time to be eligible for the next session. The teachings are cumulative in nature and must be done in order. Each session requires the participants to have done 2 hours of skilled community service or a monetary exchange to the studying monk equivalent to 2 hours of that participants hourly wage or rate.

3: The Sensuous Scents, is our walk-in storefront that helps financially maintain our physical landmarks and endeavors. Sensuous Scents is an amazing storefront offering no less than 400 different natural fragrance types for the body, locally dipped, rolled and counted incense packs, copper wrapped jewelry with ethically sourced crystals, and much more. Many of the products are only sold at our walk-in storefront because it is meaningful to this monastery that even products being sold are experienced through thoughtfully smelling and touching them before purchasing.